Getting started


From \(N\) points of data \(X=(\vec x_1, \ldots, \vec x_N)\), mix’EM will let you fit a probability distribution \(P(x|\phi)\) from a mixture of \(D\) probability distributions with parameters \(\phi_d\) and mixing weights \(w_d\):

\[P(x|\phi) = \sum_{d=1}^D w_d P(x|\phi_d), \; \sum_{d=1}^D w_d = 1\]

To fit the data to your user-defined model, you pass both the data \(X\) and a list of mixem.distribution.Distribution objects with initial parameters to the mixem.em() function. Mix’EM will optimize the model parameters to best fit the provided data and return the mixing weights \(w_d\) and distributions with parameters \(\phi_d\) plus the final log-likelihood:

weights, distributions, log_likelihood = mixem.em(my_data, [
    mixem.distribution.NormalDistribution(mu=1, sigma=1),
], initial_weights=[0.5, 0.5])

print(("Final model: {w0} * Norm[mu={mu}, sigma={sigma}] +"
       " {w1} * Exp[lambda={lmbda}]").format(
    w0=weights[0], w1=weights[1],
    mu=distributions[0].mu, sigma=distributions[0].sigma,


A good walkthrough of all major functions of mix’EM is given in the Old Faithful example.

If you have a particular set of distributions that you’d like to fit, you can check out the examples in the examples subdirectory of the mixem project.